Search code examples

iron router add parameter to string as well as add a query

Just started playing around with meteor and I'm trying to use iron-router for the routing. Here is my data structure:


And here is the linking I'm trying to use in the template

{{#each team.tags}}
   <a href="{{ pathFor 'team' _id:parent._id query...? }}">#{{}} <span class="count-list">{{this.counter}}</span></a> 

And my router has:

route('/team/:_id')  // And I get the search through the GET property... this.params.query 


  1. How do I get the parent team _id in the template?
  2. How can I pass the _id and the search parameter in the pathFor?

Thanks in advance.


  • You can make use of ../ to step back to the parent scope, which in this case appears to be teams

    {{#each team.tags}}
       <a href="{{pathFor 'team' _id=../_id query='queryString'}}">#{{}} <span class="count-list">{{this.counter}}</span></a> 