I'm working on a CLI app, which allows the user to specify an argument with function names along with arguments. It's actually using the same syntax as xgettext
, such as:
I need to figure out a regex that would break this down into an array like this:
['__', 'dgettext:2', 'dcgettext:2', 'ngettext:1,2', 'dpgettext2:2c,3'];
How can I do it (in Javascript, for example)?
Here's what I have so far:
Obviously this has a problem: it's also capturing the comma each time. Any idea how I can leave it out?
Based on @Fede's answer, here's a complete snippet that does exactly what I needed:
// The last keyword is invalid - it begins with a number,
// which is not allowed, so it should not considered a separate keyword
var keywords = "__,dgettext:2,dcgettext:2,ngettext:1,2,dpgettext2:2c,3,__,_n,_,2";
What it does is that it looks for commas that are followed by a valid keyword and then splits the string based on that into an array, which is exactly what I needed.