Recently, I was reading the source codes of Universal-Image-Loader, And I found an interesting question on inheritance in Java. We know that the multiple inheritance is not allowed in Java. Java designers replaced the concept of multiple inheritance by that of interface.
In the release 1.9.1 of Universal-Image-Loader, the interface called BlockingDeque in the package of com.nostra13.universalimageloader.core.assist.deque extends two parent class, BlockingQueue and Deque, but Eclipse does't show any wrong information about it. So I am confused about it.
Does someone else ever notice this??
and the pic showing this question is below:
Yeah, just like a question in my mind: doesn't Java support multiple inheritance? The fact is YES. Java refuse the multiple inheritance from classes, but it does support multiple inheritance from Interface. More exactly, both class and interface are object. "Everything is an Object".