I have a form that builds out multiple widgets based on some JSON data. In part of that form is a select dropdown, and some items have different options selected by default.
object 1 {
tag: "products"
The select dropdown in the ng-repeat widget
<select class="btn-success form-control">
<option value="companies">companies</option>
<option value="news">news</option>
<option value="people">people</option>
<option value="products">products</option>
^ Here if this was object 1, I'd need the products option to gain the selected
What I've tried so far, that hasn't worked, but so you can see my thinking:
ng-repeat="stuff in stuffs"...
<select class="btn-success form-control">
<option value="companies">companies</option>
<option ng-if="widget.selectedTag(stuff.tag)" value="news">news</option>
<option value="people">people</option>
<option value="products">products</option>
this.selectedTag= function(s) {
if (s = 'news'){
return 'selected';
How would you go about this?
Found answer here: Initializing select with AngularJS and ng-repeat
<option ng-selected="{{operator.value == filterCondition.operator}}"
ng-repeat="operator in operators"
So in my case:
<option value="products"
ng-selected="{{stuff.tag == 'products'}}">products</option>