the value of status flag bits (0 or 1) after execution of the add instruction. explain
mov bx, 8000h
add bx, 8000h
c this should be 0 because carry flag is not changed?
0 this should be 1 because the sum is not zero?
s this should be not signed?
z ?
convert the pseudo-code into assembly, assumes value are signed integers and short circuited evaluation is used. the code should be compact.
if(eax<ecx) AND (ebx != edx) {
mov edi, esi;
add ebx, eax;
I'm really lost at this anyone want give some guidance?
Ah, a homework. Jack Daniels in my veins says I should help you :)
1 0x8000 + 0x8000 = 0x10000. Result is 17 bits, thus but your register is only 16 bits. So, only 0x0000 will be stored in BX.
With this you will get the following flags set:
- OF is set (sum is greater than register can hold);
- CF is set (highest bit of the result is 1)
- PF is set (number is even)
- ZF is set (BX = 0)
- SF is not set (not a signed number)
2 (fasm syntax)
cmp eax, ecx
jge short @f
cmp ebx, edx
jz short @f
mov esi, edi
add eax, ebx