I am facing a very strange behavior in Java. I got two different classes that has no hierarchical connection: Class Template (Type hierarchy is Object -> A -> B -> Template), and class TemplateDto (Object -> TemplateDto).
I am using ModelMapper (org.modelmapper.ModelMapper) for mapping between the two classes (which uses the default mapping since the field names are identical).
There is the following code:
List<Template> templates = cvService.getTemplates();
List<TemplateDto> resultDtos = new ArrayList<TemplateDto>();
TemplateDto example = resultDtos.get(0);
And the last line throws:
java.lang.ClassCastException: com.vs.framework.domain.cv.Template cannot be cast to com.vs.framework.dto.cv.TemplateDto
This is very weird. When i am debugging this section i see that after the mapping, resultDtos is a list of type List instead of List which blows my mind.
I have tried to clean my tomcat, maven clean install but it still happens.
Any ideas?
Java implements generics with type erasure, meaning that the runtime code has no way of knowing that your ArrayList
is supposed to be an ArrayList<TemplateDto>
http://modelmapper.org/user-manual/generics/ describes how to use a TypeToken
to get around this problem with lists. It should look something like this:
List<Template> templates = cvService.getTemplates();
Type listType = new TypeToken<List<TemplateDto>>() {}.getType();
List<TemplateDto> resultDtos = modelMapper.map(templates, listType);
TemplateDto example = resultDtos.get(0);