For example consider the following code:
using namespace boost::locale::boundary;
boost::locale::generator gen;
std::string text = "L'homme qu'on aimait trop.";
ssegment_index map(word, text.begin(), text.end(), gen("fr_FR.UTF-8"));
for (ssegment_index::iterator it = map.begin(), e = map.end(); it != e; ++it)
std::cout << "\"" << *it << "\", ";
std::cout << std::endl;
This outputs:
"L'homme", " ", "qu'on", " ", "aimait", " ", "trop", ".",
Is it possible to customize boundary analysis so it instead outputs:
"L", "'", "homme", " ", "qu", "'", "on", " ", "aimait", " ", "trop", ".",
I've read and searched Stack Overflow and Google, but so far haven't found anything.
I haven't found a way to do this with boost::locale::boundary, but it is possible to do it with ICU directly by creating a customized RuleBasedBreakIterator
, rather than using one provided by createWordInstance
Locale locale("fr_FR");
UErrorCode statusError = U_ZERO_ERROR;
UParseError parseError = { 0 };
// get rules from a default rbbi (these should be in a word.txt file somewhere)
RuleBasedBreakIterator *default_rbbi = dynamic_cast<RuleBasedBreakIterator *>(RuleBasedBreakIterator::createWordInstance(locale, statusError));
UnicodeString rules = default_rbbi->getRules();
delete default_rbbi;
// create custom rbbi with updated rules
rules.findAndReplace("[\\p{Word_Break = MidNumLet}]", "[[\\p{Word_Break = MidNumLet}] - [\\u0027 \\u2018 \\u2019 \\uff07]]");
RuleBasedBreakIterator custom_rbbi(rules, parseError, statusError);
// tokenize text
UnicodeString text = "L'homme qu'on aimait trop.";
int32_t e, p = custom_rbbi.first();
while ((e = != BreakIterator::DONE) {
std::string substring;
text.tempSubStringBetween(p, e).toUTF8String(substring);
std::cout << "\"" << substring << "\", ";
p = e;
std::cout << std::endl;