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Understanding the pseudocode in the Donald B. Johnson's algorithm

Does anyone know the Donald B. Johnson's algorithm, which enumerates all the elementary circuits (cycles) in a directed graph?

I have the paper he had published in 1975, but I cannot understand the pseudocode.

My goal is to implement this algorithm in Java.

Some questions I have, for example, is what is the matrix Ak it refers to. In the pseudocode, it mentions that

Ak:=adjacency structure of strong component K with least 
    vertex in subgraph of G induced by {s,s+1,....n};

Does that mean I have to implement another algorithm that finds the Ak matrix?

Another question is what the following means?

begin logical f; 

Does also the line "logical procedure CIRCUIT (integer value v);" mean that the circuit procedure returns a logical variable? In the pseudocode also has the line "CIRCUIT := f;". What does this mean?

It would be great if someone could translate this 1970's pseudocode to a more modern type of pseudocode so I can understand it

In case you are interested to help but you cannot find the paper please email me at and I will send you the paper.


  • The pseudo-code is reminiscent of Algol, Pascal or Ada.

    Does that mean I have to implement another algorithm that finds the Ak matrix?

    Ak appears to be a list of arrays of input values having the specified properties. It may be related to the corresponding adjacency matrix, but it's not clear to me. I'm guessing something like this:

    int[][] a = new int[k][n];
    int[][] b = new int[k][n];
    boolean[] blocked = new boolean[n];
    int s;

    What does logical f mean?

    This declares a local variable representing a true or false value, similar to Java's boolean.

    logical procedure CIRCUIT (integer value v);

    This declares a subprogram named CIRCUIT having a single integer parameter v that is passed by value. The subprogram returns a logical result of true or false, and CIRCUIT := f assigns f as the result. In Java,

    boolean circuit(int v) {
        boolean f;
        f = false;
        return f;

    The keywords begin and end delimit a block scope that may be nested, so CIRCUIT is nested in the main block and UNBLOCK is nested inside of CIRCUIT. := is assignment; ¬ is not; is element; is empty; is !=; stack and unstack suggest push and pop.

    It's only a start, but I hope it helps.

    Addendum: On reflection, A and B must be isomorphic.

    Here's a very literal outline. I don't know enough about A, B & V to choose a better data structure than arrays.

    import java.util.Stack;
    public final class CircuitFinding {
        static int k, n;
        int[][] a = new int[k][n];
        int[][] b = new int[k][n];
        boolean[] blocked = new boolean[n];
        int[] v = new int[k];
        int s = 1;
        Stack<Integer> stack = new Stack<Integer>();
        private void unblock(int u) {
            blocked[u] = false;
            for (int w : b[u]) {
                //delete w from B(u)
                if (blocked[w]) {
        private boolean circuit(int v) {
            boolean f = false;
            blocked[v] = true;
            for (int w : a[v]) {
                if (w == s) {
                    //output circuit composed of stack followed by s;
                    f = true;
                } else if (!blocked[w]) {
                    if (circuit(w)) {
                        f = true;
            if (f) {
            } else {
                for (int w : a[v]) {
                    //if (v∉B(w)) put v on B(w);
            v = stack.pop();
            return f;
        public void main() {
            while (s < n) {
                //A:= adjacency structure of strong component K with least
                //vertex in subgraph of G induced by {s, s+ 1, n};
                if (a[k] != null) {
                    //s := least vertex in V;
                    for (int i : v) {
                        blocked[i] = false;
                        b[i] = null;
                } else {
                    s = n;