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Xamarin.Forms View-to-View binding without changing BindingContext

I have a Button defined in XAML that contains a Command including a CommandParameter. The Command binds to the current view's ViewModel, while the CommandParameter binds to another control within the current view. In WPF this would look like:

<TextBox x:Name="MyTextBox" />
<Button Command="{Binding ViewmodelCommand}" 
        CommandParameter="{Binding ElementName=MyTextBox, Path=Text}" />

According to documentation, in Xamarin.Forms View-to-View binding is possible via changing a control's BindingContext using the x:Reference markup extension:

<Button BindingContext="{x:Reference Name=MyTextBox}"
        CommandParameter="{Binding Path=Text}" />

In this case, however, I'm not able to bind the Command to the global Viewmodel! Are there any solutions to this scenario?


  • Did you solve this?

    what I did was to add a binding MyTextBox <-> viewModel like:

    MyTextBox.SetBinding(Entry.TextProperty, "PropName");

    btn.SetBinding(Button.CommandProperty, "CommandName"); btn.SetBinding(Button.CommandParameterProperty, "PropName");