I know there's a question here but I really don't understand what the OP did. I've used x86 assembly before and for that you'd do something like this:
push dword int1
push dword fmtInput
call scanf
add esp, 12
; value is now in int1
my guess for ARM is something like this
ldr r0, fmtInput
push r1 @ says this is too complex, tried `ldr r1` but that also failed saying that ldr needed more inputs
bl scanf
@ I'm assuming the value is now in r1
I'm sure I'm missing something simple but I'm really very lost. If ldr and push don't work then is there some other opcode to use? If one of those is correct, what combination of inputs does it need?
I also tried defining a num: .word 0
in the .data section and using ldr r1, =num
anything in the .data section seems to be static or is there another way to pass them to scanf?
I'm using gcc on an ARMv7 processor in Qemu if that helps.
Here's what I'm trying to do and some code. The app prints hello world, gets input, adds one, prints the new value. My code looks like this:
.align 4
.global main
@ keep stack 8-byte aligned
push {ip, lr}
@ print message
ldr r0, =message
bl printf
@ scanf for number
ldr r0, =fmtInt
ldr r1, =num
bl scanf
@ add 2 to input and store in r3
@ldr r1, =num
mov r2, #2
add r3, r2, r1
@ print new value
ldr r0, =textOut
mov r1, r3
bl printf
@ return 0
mov r0, #0
@ reverse align
pop {ip, pc}
@ vars and stuff
message: .asciz "Hello, world.\n"
fmtInt: .string "%d"
textOut: .asciz "num: %d\n"
num: .word 1
Output: Hello, world.
Input: 6
Output: num: 3
Outout: Hello, world.
Input: d
Output: num: 2
the final output is always 3 so long as I input a number and 2 so long as I input characters.
This is what ended up working for me:
sub sp, sp, #4
@ Call scanf and store value in r4
ldr r0, addrInp
mov r1, sp
bl scanf
ldr r4, [sp]
add sp, sp, #4
The value the user inputs ends up in r4 in this case. I don't understand why Jesters way didn't work but it just gave a segfault every time.