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How to show ActionList editor from custom TComponentEditor at design time

I have a TComponentEditor descendant which I register for TActionList to offer some customized options.

Back in D2007 I could show the default ActionList editor by calling ShowActionListDesigner from the unit ActnEdit. Adding designide.dcp to the required packages was all that was necessary:

procedure TMyActionListEditor.ExecuteVerb(Index: Integer); 
  if Index=1 then
    //do some stuff    
    ActnEdit.ShowActionListDesigner(Designer, Component as TCustomActionList); 

Now in XE5 I tried other packages like vcldesigner.dcp, but I can't seem to find which package contains ActnEdt. Strangely enough it is used inside FMXReg.pas.

Is there a different way to invoke the standard TActionList editor window?


  • The ShowActionListDesigner method is in the Actnedit unit which is part of the dclstd package.