I got a class that looks like this
class Rational{
Rational(int p = 0, int q = 1) : p(p), q(q){};
int p;
int q;
My question is about the initialization syntax where member variables and constructor parameters has identical names. I now know it is legal to do so, but my question is: If I want do have "clean", easy to grasp code I wonder if I can do as one normally would do in java:
//Legal Java Code
this.q = q;
this.p = p;
//Is any of these legal C++ code (if so, which one)?
Even though I haven't tested it, and I can test it, I still want to know the C++ conventions of doing this.
In C++
, you have to say:
this -> q = q;
this -> p = p;
or equivalently
(*this).q = q;
(*this).p = p;
But I think the member initializer list syntax
Rational(int p = 0, int q = 1) : p(p), q(q){}
is cleaner (note the lack of a semicolon!) Why don't you like it?