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Infinite Scroll causes jump to top of screen on fast scrolling

I'm using the ng-infinite-scroll Angular directive on my site and it works well overall. However, while testing I noticed if I scroll quickly the page jumps back up toward the top. Below is my html and my scrolling function. I believe the issue lies with how $scope.busy is handled:


<div class="row inner" infinite-scroll="loadImages()" infinite-scroll-distance="1" infinite-scroll-disabled="busy">

  <h2 class="headline">{{event}}</h2>
  <h3 class="headline">{{city}}, {{state}}</h3>

  <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-4 col-xs-12 img-container" ng-repeat="photo in photos">

    <a ng-href="{{}}" target="_blank" title="{{photo.text}}"><img ng-src="{{photo.img}}" onerror="imgError(this);" alt="" class="img-responsive insta" id="image"></a>

    <div class="prof-circ" title="{{photo.username}}"><a ng-href="{{photo.username}}" target="_blank"><img ng-src="{{photo.profile}}" onerror="anonImg(this);" alt="" class="circular"></a></div>


controller code:

$scope.loadImages = function() {

    if ($scope.busy) return;
    $scope.busy = true;
    $scope.limit += 20;

    Events.get($,$scope.limit).success(function(response) {
        $ =;
        $scope.busy = false;


  • Be very careful with your style sheets... I had a css class on the DOM to prevent displaying items that didn't have there picture loaded, this css class was removed after the image loaded. However ng-infinite-scroll replaces the ng-repeat DOM with the original default HTML template (and CSS classes!) and so for a split second the css class caused the item to have essentially zero height. This of course forced me to the top of the page.