I'd like to use the @ServiceActivator
annotation on a Java 8 default interface method. This default method will delegate to another method of this interface depending on business rules.
public interface MyServiceInterface {
public default void onMessageReceived(MyPayload payload) {
if(payload.getAction() == MyServiceAction.MY_METHOD) {
public void myMethod(...);
This interface is then implemented by a Spring @Service
public class MyService implements MyServiceInterface {
public void myMethod(...) {
When executing the code, this does not work!
I can only get it to work to remove the @ServiceActivator
annotation from the default method, and override that default method in my @Service
class and delegate to the super method:
public class MyWorkingService implements MyServiceInterface {
public void onMessageReceived(MyPayload payload) {
public void myMethod(...) {
Overriding a default method neglects the purpose of a default method.
Is there another way to implement this scenario in a clean manner?
This doesn't work now, because Spring Integration relies on the ReflectionUtils.doWithMethods
, which uses ReflectionUtils.getDeclaredMethods
and the last one just does this clazz.getDeclaredMethods()
, which doesn't return those default
methods on the interface.
Feel free to raise an JIRA issue against Spring Framework to consider that option.
In meantime, right, there is no other choice unless to override that method.