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create my own multily block in mylyn wiki text

I am looking for an example how to extend the mylyn (standalone) wiki parser. I want to make my own multi line block i.e.

my super text processed by my code

I have tried to figure it out by looking at the mylyn source code and by searching the web. I really have no idea what to do. And the documentation is also not very helpful. Maybe another library is better for my need anyway? I just need a wiki-text to html parser which I can extend to embedd my own stuff.


  • I did not get mylyin to work with custom extensions. Anyone else interested in such a fature I switched to bliki, there are some example how to extend the parser: bliki.


    public class SampleTag extends NowikiTag implements INoBodyParsingTag {
        private final static String HEADER = "<div id=\"sample\">\n"
                + "<a href=\"#\" id=\"show\" onclick=\"$(\'evalframe\').show();$(\'hide\').show();$(\'show\').hide();\" />Show Sample</a> \n"
                + "<a href=\"#\" style=\"display: none;\" id=\"hide\" onclick=\"$(\'evalframe\').hide();;$(\'hide\').hide();$(\'show\').show();\" />Hide Sample</a><br />\n"
                + "<iframe src=\"";
        private final static String FOOTER = "\" style=\"display: none;\" id=\"evalframe\" width=\"480\" height=\"160\" \n"
                + "        scrolling=\"yes\" marginheight=\"0\" marginwidth=\"0\" frameborder=\"1\">\n"
                + "  <p>You browser doesn\'t support IFRAMEs</p>\n" + "</iframe>\n" + "</div>";
        public SampleTag() {
        public void renderHTML(ITextConverter converter, Appendable buf, IWikiModel model) throws IOException {
            TagNode node = this;
            Map<String, String> tagAtttributes = node.getAttributes();
            StringBuilder evalUrl = new StringBuilder(512);
            // sample input fields/textareas
            Utils.appendAmpersandEscapedAttribute(evalUrl, "ci", tagAtttributes);
            // sample actions
            Utils.appendAmpersandEscapedAttribute(evalUrl, "ca", tagAtttributes);
            // URL points to
            // renderHTMLWithoutTag(converter, buf, model);
        public boolean isReduceTokenStack() {
            return true;