I have created a dynamic web project. A user library with a jar file is also created.
Then the user library has been added to the build path via project properties--->java build path--->In libraries tab required user library has added and jar file is specified under it.
But exporting the project into the JBoss deployment directory is raising class not found exception over the class in added jar file.
How can I properly add a user library to my project's build path?
I'm not clearly understand your problem but there is nothing to discuss ;) Because the Java EE Specifications and the application server are dictating how to place something in your app's classpath and that's it.
Here is the documentation: https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/AS71/Class+Loading+in+AS7
If your problem is not regarding the result on the appserver, only something about comfor or project strcture you want in your IDE. Then use your build system (Maven) to do the job. Like bilding a jar and coping it to desired location etc.