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Unable to perform operation "make branch" in replica <replica name> of vob<vobname>

We recently changed mastership of a stream from one site (inh) to another(ies). Things were fine till following error.

Now a delivery from child branch to the "moved branch" results in error. Not all merges are problematic. Select directories (or I think so) are not merging.

  Unable to perform operation "make branch" in replica "interfaces_src_ies" of VOB "\interfaces_src".
    Master replica of branch type "project_subset_QPE-5060" is "interfaces_src.inh".
    There is no candidate version which can be checked out.
    Unable to check out "M:\dyn_project_subset\interfaces_src\src\java\src\chs\cof\project".

How can I fix this? How can I change mastership of "branch type "project_subset_QPE-5060 to interfaces_src.ies


  • That should mean, as detailed in the IBM technote swg21142784, that the mastership transfer was incomplete.

    That can happen when there was a checked out file at the time of the transfer.
    Make sure there is no checked out files (on both sites), and try and transfer the mastership again (even if it says it is already transferred)

    Or, as described in the technote, try and create the branch on the other site, and create a synchronization packet from the mastering site using multitool syncreplica -export so the site where the element creation is going to happen receives the mkbranch operation.
    You see that kind of operation in IBM technote swg21118471.

    On Windows, this setting can also help preventing this situation:
    cleardlg.exe/options/Operations tab/Advanced Options:

    When creating an element in a replicated VOB, 
    make current replica the master of all newly created branches.