i try to Authenticate windows user to got the client windows log in user from this :::: request.getremoteuser()
i get my LDap users on weblogic but after that i got lost
can any one help me thanx a lot
Not sure I totally understand your problem, but it looks like you are trying to use Single Sign On (SSO) for authentication.
If that's the case, SSO configuration on weblogic is a bit of a challenge, there are several configuration options available depending of LDAP implementation you are using (MS Active Directory or OAM).
This topic is too complex to be solved with answering a forum question, but all we can do for you is to point to into the right direction.
For Active Directory, you can check this blog: http://biemond.blogspot.co.uk/2011/08/single-sign-on-with-windows-kerberos-on.html
For Oracle Access Manager, here are some guidelines for you: https://blogs.oracle.com/imc/entry/adf_oam