I have a problem with Hashtable; it contains redundant keys. I have redefined the equal and the hashcode, but the same problem. below is an example of my problem. I'm really need help. Thank you in advance.
public class Payoff {
public ArrayList<Cluster> coalitions = new ArrayList<Cluster>();
public boolean equals(Object t) {
// Vérification de la référence
if (t==this)
return true;
//Vérification du type du paramètre puis de ses attributs.
if (t instanceof Payoff) {
Payoff tbis = (Payoff)t;
return this.coalitions.equals(tbis.coalitions);
} else
return false;
public int hashCode() {
return this.coalitions.hashCode();
public class Cluster implements Cloneable {
public ArrayList<Integer> dataArray = new ArrayList<Integer>();
public double[] ch;
public double coalitionPayoff;
public Cluster() {
public Cluster(Cluster obj) {
this.ch = obj.ch;
this.dataArray = (ArrayList<Integer>)obj.dataArray.clone();
this.coalitionPayoff = obj.coalitionPayoff;
public boolean equals(Object T)
{ // Vérification de la référence
if (T==this)
return true;
//Vérification du type du paramètre puis de ses attributs.
if (T instanceof Cluster)
Cluster Tbis = (Cluster) T;
return this.DataArray.equals(Tbis. DataArray) && Arrays.equals(this.Ch,Tbis.Ch)
&& (this.CoalitionPayoff ==Tbis.CoalitionPayoff);
} else
return false;
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result + ((dataArray == null) ? 0 : dataArray.hashCode());
//result = prime * result + (int) (coalitionPayoff ^ (coalitionPayoff >>> 32));
result = prime * result + ((ch == null) ? 0 : ch.hashCode());
return result;
public Cluster clone() {
return new Cluster ();
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Hashtable<Payoff,Double> HashTab = new Hashtable<Payoff,Double>();
Payoff Pay1 = new Payoff();
Cluster Cluster1 = new Cluster();
double[] ary = {1.5};
Cluster1.Ch= ary;
Cluster1 = new Cluster();
double[] ary2 = {4.5};
Cluster1.Ch= ary2;
HashTab.put(Pay1, 0.5);
Payoff Pay2 = new Payoff();
Cluster Cluster2 = new Cluster();
double[] ary3 = {1.5}; Cluster2.Ch= ary3;
Cluster2 = new Cluster();
double[] ary4 = {4.5};
Cluster2.Ch= ary4;
HashTab.put(Pay2, 0.5);
This line is the problem:
result = prime * result + ((ch == null) ? 0 : ch.hashCode()
This is the hashcode of the array not the hashcode of the content of the array, hence when you say:
double[] ary = {1.5};
double[] ary3 = {1.5};
it is different besides having the same data in it. Make sure you use the content, not the object reference as hashcode.
And of course Java has a solution for that:
result = prime * result + ((ch == null) ? 0 : Arrays.hashCode(ch)
And this is my test code I used for approaching the problem. JUnit rulez!
public class TestHashTable
public void testEmpty()
final Cluster c1 = new Cluster();
final Cluster c2 = new Cluster();
Assert.assertEquals(c1, c2);
Assert.assertEquals(c1.hashCode(), c2.hashCode());
public void testSame()
final Payoff pay1 = new Payoff();
final Cluster cluster1 = new Cluster();
Assert.assertEquals(pay1, pay1);
Assert.assertEquals(pay1.hashCode(), pay1.hashCode());
public void testEquals()
final Payoff pay1 = new Payoff();
final Cluster cluster1 = new Cluster();
final Payoff pay2 = new Payoff();
final Cluster cluster2 = new Cluster();
Assert.assertEquals(cluster1, cluster2);
Assert.assertEquals(pay1, pay2);
Assert.assertEquals(cluster1.hashCode(), cluster2.hashCode());
Assert.assertEquals(pay1.hashCode(), pay1.hashCode());
public void testUseInMap()
final Payoff pay1 = new Payoff();
final Cluster cluster1 = new Cluster();
final double[] a1 = {1.5};
cluster1.ch = a1;
final Payoff pay2 = new Payoff();
final Cluster cluster2 = new Cluster();
final double[] a2 = {1.5};
cluster2.ch = a2;
final Map<Payoff, Double> map = new HashMap<Payoff, Double>();
map.put(pay1, 1.0);
map.put(pay2, 2.0);
Assert.assertEquals(1, map.size());
Assert.assertTrue(2.0 == map.get(pay1));