Currently when auto publish is removed, only {{}} works.I'm trying to get {{currentUser.profile.first_name}} and the avatar from Facebook but have not been able to do so. Here is my code...
On the Server side:
Meteor.publish('userData', function() {
if(!this.userId) return null;
return Meteor.users.find(this.userId, {fields: {
'services.facebook': 1
On Iron Router:
waitOn: function() {
return Meteor.subscribe('userData');
From my understanding, I see that Meteor is publishing all the userData and then subscribing to it via Iron Router. What I don't understand is why this is not working -- as I think {{currentUser.profile.first_name}} should work but isn't.
Like Richard suggests, when a user is created, you can copy the services document to the profile doc.
Accounts.onCreateUser(function(options, user) {
// We still want the default hook's 'profile' behavior.
if (options.profile) {
user.profile = options.profile;
user.profile.memberSince = new Date();
// Copy data from Facebook to user object
user.profile.facebookId =;
user.profile.firstName =; =; =;
return user;
Your publication to get their first name and Facebook ID would look like this...
/* ============== Single User Data =============== */
Meteor.publish('singleUser', function(id) {
check(id, String);
return Meteor.users.find(id,
{fields: {'profile.facebookId': 1, '': 1, 'profile.firstName': 1, '': 1}});
You can access a user's Facebook avatar with a template helper function...
userPicHelper: function() {
if (this.profile) {
var id = this.profile.facebookId;
var img = '' + id + '/picture?type=square&height=160&width=160';
return img;
In your template, you can then use the following helper (provided you are wrapping this in a block that contains user data):
<img src="{{userPicHelper}}" alt="" />