i'm trying to figure out how to startup a web console for my Apache CXF-Maven project.
It's quite messy cause it's not a standard project, i'm actually implementing the wsn\services from the cxf-master SVN or GITHUB developed by the Apache CXF Team.
I've read that there's also the hawtio console, but is even more complicated...
I need to some info, some help, to point me to the right direction. I'm using wildfly 8.2.0 Final.
Ok, the question could be a bit more clear, but I will assume you have a maven based web application that embeds an ActiveMQ broker. You then want to enable the ActiveMQ web console for that broker. Correct?
First, the Web Console is a stand alone web application that you can deploy in whatever container you want, like Wildfly. You simply have to get the .war (by building activemq-web-console from source or grabbing the .war from maven repo). Then you need to make that .war point out your ActiveMQ broker using JMS and JMX by setting a few system properties.
Like this (adjust to your values):
-Dwebconsole.jmx.url= service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:1099/jmxrmi
That should pretty much be it. You don't even need the console in the same JVM or machine as your broker.