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Spring Boot work with Spring Loaded and Gradle

I am trying to get a simple Spring-Boot application to work with Spring Loaded and Gradle without any success. I have tried the following:

  1. Using Spring-Boot with the bootRun task simply reloads static resources just fine with a simple F5 in the browser

  2. If I use bootRun again and change a class through a text editor and the use compileJava it doesnt work.

  3. If I run it with IntelliJ Application make a change in an existing controller and use the IntelliJ make it works only for existing methods. Doesnt update new methods, change of signatures etc.

  4. Using IntelliJ with VM argument:

    -javaagent:C:\Users\myuser\.m2\repository\org\springframework\springloaded\1.2.1.RELEASE\springloaded-1.2.1.RELEASE.jar -noverify

Still does nothing.

Ideally, I would like to perform the process through using Gradle only - so I'm IDE independent

Please have a look at the Github project so you can see my sample code: Sample Project

Just perform any changes in the DemoController


  • Seems the trick was to use the task build bootRun instead of a simple 'bootRun`.

    This is a Gradle build file that also uses the watch plugin with incremental compiles when Java classes change:

    buildscript {
        ext {
            springBootVersion = '1.2.2.RELEASE'
            springLoadedVersion = "1.2.1.RELEASE"
        repositories {
        dependencies {
            classpath 'com.bluepapa32:gradle-watch-plugin:0.1.5'
    repositories {
    apply plugin: "java"
    apply plugin: "spring-boot"
    apply plugin: 'idea'
    apply plugin: 'application'
    apply plugin: ''
    mainClassName = ""
    dependencies {
    task wrapper(type: Wrapper) { gradleVersion = '2.3' }
    idea {
        module {
            inheritOutputDirs = false
            outputDir = new File("$buildDir/classes/main/")
    compileJava {
        //enable compilation in a separate daemon process
        options.fork = true
        //enable incremental compilation
        options.incremental = true
    watch {
        java {
            files files('src/main/java')
            tasks 'compileJava'