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Clipping Using Rectangle Geometry in WinRT application

I was previosuly using WriteableBitmapEX library for cropping images whereever my mouse moves. It seems to be a bit slow.

I want to crop the image at any random pixels and I want to asssign that cropped region to another image control .

My problem is when I am using the clip property , I am only getting the clipped region left and the whole image is going. I want the image completely to be in the background but the cropped region should be assigned to the image control .

Here's the code .

 private void Image1_Tapped(object sender, TappedRoutedEventArgs e)
            int CropArea = 50;
            int PointShift = CropArea / 2;
            var _rect = new RectangleGeometry();
            Point pt;
            pt = e.GetPosition(Image1);

            _rect.Rect = new Rect(pt.X - PointShift, pt.Y - PointShift, 100, 100);
            Image1.Clip = _rect;
            MagnifyTip.Image1.Source=Image1.clip; //This is what I want to do . Its not happenning. 

<Grid Background="{ThemeResource ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush}">
        <Image x:Name="Image1" Stretch="Uniform" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" Tapped="Image1_Tapped" >
            <Image.Source >
                <BitmapImage UriSource="Assets/Jellyfish.png" />

Any better solutions are welcomed becuase I have to keep on moving my finger around the image and get the updated pixel by pixel cropped image in my imagebox in my user control


  • A few things to note for cropping

    1. Use a RectangleGeometry for the Clip property of your image (you already do that)
    2. When adjusting the crop geometry - use its Transform property rather than creating a new geometry every time you want to recrop.
    3. Updating a WriteableBitmap is fairly slow, so you might be able to do that once in a while - e.g. when you commit the crop rectangle, but not in real time like on each PointerMove event.
    4. If you want real time updates you can either
      • Use another Image element with another RectangleGeometry Clip with a transform being a scaled version of the original transform. You could also use a copy of the original transform and scale the entire Image instead.
      • Use DirectX to render transformed output in a SwapChainPanel.
    5. For the final high resolution output you can use any method since processing speed is less of a factor
      • You could use RenderTargetBitmap.RenderAsync() to render your cropped image at screen resolution. You might need to wrap the clipped image in another element like a Grid.
      • You can use WriteableBitmap to do the processing - I believe the WriteableBitmapEx project on CodePlex has methods for rotating and cropping. This is CPU based though.
      • You can use DirectX, but that could be an overkill.
      • You can use WIC with BitmapDecoder, though that has limited rotation capabilities: How to resize Image in C# WinRT/winmd?