Here is a simple example illustrating my problem.
class IDGenerator {
static int s_nNextID;
// make the IDGenerator class a static class with a private default constructor
static int GetNextID();
#include "IDGenerator.hpp"
// initialize the static id
int IDGenerator::s_nNextID(1);
int GetNextID()
return IDGenerator::s_nNextID++;
I have tried initializing both explicitly (int IDGenerator::s_nNextID = 1;) and implicitly as shown. Here is the compile command and the error
g++ -c IDGenerator.cpp
IDGenerator.cpp: In function ‘int GetNextID()’:
IDGenerator.cpp:11:5: error: ‘int IDGenerator::s_nNextID’ is private
int IDGenerator::s_nNextID(1);
IDGenerator.cpp:15:22: error: within this context
return IDGenerator::s_nNextID++;
I have also tried to compile with -Wall and std=gnu++11. Same error
The error isn't about the initialization. It just points to the initialization as the point where s_nNextID comes from.
The real error is on line 15, where you access s_nNextID from a normal global function, because you forgot the IDGenerator::
in the definition head of GetNextID