I want to make a C function that takes a lua table with strings as parameter, and the lua table does not have any keys, just values. How can I do this? I cannot figure it out. I did not find anything when I searched in google.
The "default" keys in a table are consecutive integers starting from 1. This:
{"hello", "world"}
is the same as:
{[1] = "hello", [2] = "world"}
You cannot access these entries with lua_getfield
, because that takes a string key. You can do it the "manual" way, with lua_pushnumber
and lua_gettable
. If L
is your lua_State*
, t
is the index of the table on the stack and and k
is the key, then:
lua_pushnumber(L, k);
lua_gettable(L, t);
should do the same thing as:
lua_getfield(L, t, k);
does for string keys. Note that if t
is a relative index (a negative number), then because you're pushing another item onto the stack, you'll need to adjust it by 1.