Is it possible to replace this approach for the url string:
$.when($.getJSON(url0), $.getJSON(url1), $.getJSON(url2), $.getJSON(url3)).then(function() { ...
using another JSON file?
Why? The number of url items changes and I want to pull them from a single file without revising where this code lives each time. I could be dealing with url0-url3 or url0-40 then backto url0-url20.
The current approach forces a manual update of the array that's used to build the url string plus an update to the function.
What do you suggest?
Maybe something like this?
var urls = [
var results = {};
function saveResult(urlPath, data) {
results[urlPath] = data;
function f() {
($.when).apply(this, {
return $.getJSON(urlPath, saveResult.bind(this, urlPath));
})).then(function() {
console.log('Completed fetch', results);
f.apply(this, urls);
UPDATE: If you want to grab the urls from a file, something like this should work:
function makeUrls(cb) {
var urls = [];
var idString1 = '???', idString2 = '????';
$.when($.getJSON('new_name2.json')).then(function(c) {
$.each(c.myStuff, function(f, e) {
urls.push(idString1 + + idString2);
var results = {};
function saveResult(urlPath, data) {
results[urlPath] = data;
function f() {
($.when).apply(this, {
return $.getJSON(urlPath, saveResult.bind(this, urlPath));
})).then(function() { console.log('DID IT!', results); });
makeUrls(function(urls) {
f.apply(this, urls);