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how to download dse.jar

I am trying to use DataStax Enterprise 4.6 to write a Spark application in Java and run it in DSE's Spark analytics mode.

The code for creating a Spark context using DSEConfHelper:

SparkConf conf = DseSparkConfHelper.enrichSparkConf(new SparkConf())
            .setAppName( "My application");

To use DSEConfHelper we need to import com.datastax.bdp.spark.DseSparkConfHelper which is located in dse.jar.

In my pom.xml I have included the dependency:


But Maven cannot download dse.jar.

Please help me.

The reference for code for creating a Spark context is taken from:


  • Edit: This has been entirely superceded by the com.datastax.dse.dse-spark-dependencies artifact. Add it to your pom.xml:


    See for Maven, SBT, and Gradle example projects.

    Original, outdated answer:

    You have to manually install dse.jar as of right now. There are two ways of doing this.

    Option 1 Install the JAR file using mvn install:

    $ mvn install:install-file -Dfile=<path-to-dse.jar> -DgroupId=com.datastax -DartficactId=bdp -Dversion=4.6.0

    Option 2 Manually copy dse.jar from your install location to ${project.basedir}/lib/. Then modify your pom.xml:


    I don't really know why you're calling the artifact "bdp", but for these purposes it doesn't matter, and I just used it as well.