Using a Kendo ListView and when my page reloads, if a selection has been made, I need to have my code automatically select the ListView Item that was previously selected. I'm able to obtain the Kendo DataItem by iterating over the datasource collection, but when I do the UI does not display anything as selected.
Here is my list view:
dataSource: coverages,
template: kendo.template($("#listTemplate").html()),
selectable: true,
change: function() {
var index =;
dataItem = this.dataSource.view()[index];
if (selectedCoverageCode == null) {
selectedCoverageCode = dataItem;
onCodeChanged(categoryId, planId, dataItem);
And here is my code to set the previously selected item:
function setSelectedCoverageCode(code) {
var listView = $("#listview").data("kendoListView");
var dataSource = listView.dataSource.view();
if (listView) {
$.each(dataSource, function(index, item) {
if (item.Code === code) {;
selectedCoverageCode = item;
I need the DOM object not the data source DataItem, I believe. The above setSelectedCoverageCode function fires the Change event, but the actual element is not selected at that point in the DOM.
How can I do this so I can show the item as already selected whenever a reload happens? Suggestions?
You can get the DOM element for the data item by looking for its UID.
var item = // the item out of the DataSource that you want to select
var listView = $("#listview").data("kendoListView");'[data-uid="' + item.uid + '"]'));