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Bound function call returns InvalidOperationException

I'm following this OData V4 tutorial and now have a problem with the bound function MostExpensive.

This function is bound to the Productscollection and is registered in WebApiConfig.Register() like suggested in the tutorial:

ODataConventionModelBuilder builder = new ODataConventionModelBuilder();
builder.Namespace = "ProductService";

There is only described a rudimentary client for this service in part 2 of this tutorial. So I want to extend it so that I also can call the functions described in the later parts of the tutorial.

I have created the client using OData Client Code Generator as suggested in the tutorial. I then add some products and suppliers and then want to get the most expensive product:

static void Main(string[] args)
    const string serviceUri = "http://localhost:52542";
    Container container = new Container(new Uri(serviceUri));

    AddProducts(container, GenerateSomeProducts());
    AddSuppliers(container, GenerateSomeSuppliers());

    Console.WriteLine("Most expensive product is: {0}", container.Products.MostExpensive().GetValue());


When calling GetValue() I am getting an InvalidOperationException stating that http://localhost:52542/$metadata refers to a Edm.Decimal type but a Collection(Edm-Decimal) type is expected.

When calling http://localhost:52542/Products/ProductService.MostExpensive() directly in the browser I'm getting


Which seems to be correct.

Do I do anything wrong? I have no idea how to fix this. So any suggestions about that?


  • I guess you are using T4 2.2.0, right?

    There is a bug in T4 2.2.0 which causes this issue. You can use the content in following link to replace your ttinclude file and regenerate your proxy to work around the issue.