I have an HTML document stored in a string as follows :
var htmlAsString = "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>........";
I try to initialise my CodeMirror editor with the above HTML document as follows :
var cm = CodeMirror($('#some-div')[0], {
value: htmlAsString,
mode: "htmlmixed",
autofocus: true,
lineNumbers: true
However, all that does is create a Code Mirror editor with one single unclickable line that contains the htmlAsString
I obviously want my Code Mirror editor to be initialized with all of the HTML nicely xml-formatted (indentation, nesting, spacing, new lines, etc..) so that the developer can use the Code Mirror to edit/update that HTML.
What am I doing wrong ?
Your HTML string dosnt contain any line breaks or tabs/spaces.
What you will need to do is parse your string through a HTML formatter.
CodeMirror has a formatting util by including formatting.js
Here is a working demo: http://codemirror.net/2/demo/formatting.html
You will want to execute something similar to the following code after you have initialized code mirror.
var cm = CodeMirror($('#some-div')[0], {
value: htmlAsString,
mode: "htmlmixed",
autofocus: true,
lineNumbers: true
var totalLines = cm.lineCount();
cm.autoFormatRange({line:0, ch:0}, {line:totalLines});