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javafx Glow shatter the animation

Im just starting to code and learn javafx and doing an easy project and my problem is after i add a Glow effect on my graphic context the animation slows down dramaticly.

 * JavaFX rocks ;)

public class CDLMatrix extends Application {
    Stage matrixStage;

    private final String characters = "Effect glow = new Glow(1.0); gc.setEffect(glow); WHY SHATTERS ?!";

    private final Random random = new Random();
    protected final Font font = Font.font("MS PGothic", FontWeight.BOLD, 15);
    char[] data = new char[2000 * 2000];
    int[] path = new int[2000 * 2000];
    private long lastTime = 0;

    int getNumberOfCharsPerRow() {
        return (int) matrixStage.getWidth() / 12;

    int getNumberOfCharsPerColumn() {
        return (int) matrixStage.getHeight() / 12;

    // takes random for now
    private char getChar() {
        return characters.charAt(Math.abs(random.nextInt()
                % characters.length()));

    void update(long now) {
        if (lastTime == 0) {
            lastTime = now;

        // fadeTime = how fast trail will fade out
        // flipRate = how fast trail chars will change

        final int fadeTime = 3;
        final float flipRate = 0.01f;
        final int fillStart = 100;
        final float fillRate = 0.01f;

        int numberOfCharsPerRow = getNumberOfCharsPerRow();
        int numberOfCharsPerColumn = getNumberOfCharsPerColumn();
        int numberOfChars = numberOfCharsPerRow * numberOfCharsPerColumn;

        for (int i = numberOfChars - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
            if (i + numberOfCharsPerRow < numberOfChars) {
                if (path[i] == 255) {
                    // This means char was just set
                    // Initialize the next row at this X
                    // position
                    path[i + numberOfCharsPerRow] = 255;
                    data[i + numberOfCharsPerRow] = getChar();

            // path[i] > 64 means if this char Green component > 25%
            if (path[i] > 64 && random.nextFloat() < flipRate) {
                data[i] = getChar();

            // Decrement the char Green component
            if (path[i] > fadeTime) {
                path[i] -= fadeTime;
            } else {
                path[i] = 0;

            // First row
            // Start doing stuff only if the Green component > 40%
            if (i < numberOfCharsPerRow && path[i] <= fillStart) {
                if (random.nextFloat() < fillRate) {
                    path[i] = 255;
                    data[i] = getChar();

        lastTime = now;

    public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception {
        this.matrixStage = stage;
        matrixStage.setTitle("CDL Matrix");

        Group root = new Group();

        Scene scene = new Scene(root, 1024, 768);
                new EventHandler<KeyEvent>() {
                    // F key for full screen ;)
                    public void handle(KeyEvent keyEvent) {
                        if (keyEvent.getCode() == KeyCode.F) {
                        // ctrl + Q = exit
                        if (keyEvent.isControlDown()
                                && keyEvent.getCode() == KeyCode.Q) {

        Canvas canvas = new Canvas();

        final GraphicsContext gc = canvas.getGraphicsContext2D();

//      Effect glow = new Glow(1.0); <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
//      gc.setEffect(glow);      <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

        new AnimationTimer() {
            public void handle(long now) {

                gc.clearRect(0, 0, matrixStage.getWidth(),
                gc.setFill(Color.rgb(0, 1, 0));
                gc.fillRect(0, 0, matrixStage.getWidth(),

                int y = 0;
                int numberOfCharsPerRow = getNumberOfCharsPerRow();
                int numberOfCharsPerColumn = getNumberOfCharsPerColumn();

                // Colors
                for (int i = 0; i < numberOfCharsPerRow
                        * numberOfCharsPerColumn; ++i) {

                    gc.setFill(Color.rgb(0, path[i], 0));
                    String text = String.valueOf(data[i]);
                    gc.fillText(text, (i % numberOfCharsPerRow) * 12 + 1,
                            y + 13);

                    if (i % numberOfCharsPerRow == numberOfCharsPerRow - 1) {
                        y += 12;




  • Apply the glow to the Canvas node rather than to the GraphicsContext.

    Animation will then occur at normal speed rather than slideshow speed.





    There must be something in the internal implementation of JavaFX which causes applying effects such as Glow to a GraphicsContext rather than a Node to be orders of magnitude less efficient. You might want to file an issue in the JavaFX issue tracker to have a developer look into it.

    Test environment: Java 8u40, OS X 10.9