I'm trying to use two RelativeSizeSpan next to each other, but a big gap appears in between. See what I want to achieve and what I'm getting.
This is how I'm building the Spanned instance
String formattedValue = "25%";
SpannableStringBuilder ssb = new SpannableStringBuilder(formattedValue);
int firstSpanEnd = formattedValue.length();
ssb.setSpan(new RelativeSizeSpan(1.5f), 0, firstSpanEnd-1, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
ssb.setSpan(new RelativeSizeSpan(0.3f), firstSpanEnd, firstSpanEnd+1, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
And this is how I'm drawing it
float maxTextWidth = getPaintCenterText().measureText(mText, 0, mText.length());
TextPaint textPaint = new TextPaint(getPaintCenterText());
mCenterTextLayout = new StaticLayout(mText, textPaint, (int) maxTextWidth, Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 0.85f, 0, false);
float centerY = center.y - totalheight;
c.translate(center.x, centerY);
If I remove the second RelativeSizeSpan the gap is smaller, but it's still there.
Also, I've tried several Spanned flags, but none seem to have any effect.
Edit: mText field of my SpannableStringBuilder
[0] = '2' 48
[1] = '5' 46
[2] = '%' 48
[3] = '\n' 10
[4] = 'E' 69
[5] = 'x' 120
[6] = 'e' 101
[7] = 'r' 114
[8] = 'c' 99
[9] = 'i' 105
[10] = 's' 115
[11] = 'e' 101
[12] = ' ' 32
[13] = 'd' 100
[14] = 'a' 97
[15] = 'y' 121
[16] = 's' 115
[17] = '\u0000' 0
[18] = '\u0000' 0
[19] = '\u0000' 0
[20] = '\u0000' 0
[21] = '\u0000' 0
[22] = '\u0000' 0
Setting setTextAlign(Paint.Align.CENTER)
on TextPaint
might be interfering with your spans.
Instead, use Layout.Alignment.CENTER
on the StaticLayout
which should center the text as a whole.
mCenterTextLayout = new StaticLayout(mText, textPaint, (int) maxTextWidth,
Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_CENTER, 0.85f, 0, false);