Search code examples

Concurrent Access within a Big InMemory B+Index

I am currently designing around a big memory index structure (several giga bytes). The index is actually a RTree which leafes are BTrees (dont ask). It supports a special query and pushes it to the logical limit.

Since those nodes are soley search nodes I ask my self how to best make it parallel.

I know of six solutions so far:

  1. Block reads when a write is scheduled. The tree is completely blocked until the last read is finished and then the write is performed and after the write the tree can yet again used for multiple reads. (reads need no locking).

  2. Clone Nodes to change and reuse existing nodes (including leafs) and switch between both by simply yet again stop reads switch and done. Since leaf pointers must be altered also the leaf pointers might become their own collection making it possible to switch modifications atomar and changes can be redo to a second version to avoid copy of the pointer on each insert.

  3. Use independent copies of the index like double buffering. Update one copy of the index, switch it. Once noone reads the old index, alter this index in the same way. This way the change can be done without blocking existing reads. If another insert hits the tree in a reasonable amount of time these changes can also be done.

  4. Use a serial share nothing architecture so each search thread has its own copy. Since a thread can only alter its tree after a single read is performed, this would be also lock free and simple. Due reads are spread evenly for each worker thread (being bound to a certain core), the throughput would not be harmed.

  5. Use write / read locks for each node being about to be written and do only block a subtree during write. This would involve additional operations against the tree since splitting and merging would propagate upwards and therefore require a repass of the insert (since expanding locks upwards (parentwise) would introduce the chance of a deadlock). Since Split and Merge are not that frequent if you have a higher page size, this would also be a good way. Actually currently my BTree implementation currently uses a similar mechanism by spliting a node and reinsert the value unless no split is needed (which is not optimal but more simple).

  6. Use double buffer for each node like the shadow cache for databases where each page is switched between two versions. So everytime a node is modified a copy is modified and once a read is issued the old versions are used or the new one. Each node gets a version number and the version that is more close to the active version (latest change) is choosen. To switch between to version, one needs only an atomar change on the root information. This way the tree can be altered and used. This swith can be done every time but it must be ensured that no read is using the old version when overriding the new one. This method has the possibility to not interfer with cache locality in order to link leafs and alike. But it also requires twice the amount of memory since a back buffer must be present but saves allocation time and might be good for a high frequency of changes.

With all that thoughts what is best? I know it depends but what is done in the wild? If there are 10 read threads (or even more) and being blocked by a single write operation I guess this is nothing I really want.

Also how about L3, L2 and L1 cache and in scenarios with multiple CPUs? Any issues on that? The beauty of the double buffering is the chance that those reads hitting the old version are still working with the correct cache version.

The version of creating a fresh copy of a node is quite not appealing. So what is meet in the wild of todays database landscapes?


By rereading the post, I wonder if using the write locks for split and merge would be better suited by creating replacement nodes since for a split and a merge I need to copy somewhat the half of elements around, those operations are very rare and so actually copy a node completely would do the trick by replacing this node in the parent node which is a simple and fast operation. This way the actual blocks for reads would be very limited and since we create copies anyway, the blocking only happens when the new nodes are replaced. Since during those access leafs may not be altered it is unimportant since the information density has not changed. But again this needs for every access of a node a increment and decrement of a read lock and checking for intended write locks. This all is overhead and this all is blocking further reads.


Solution 7. (currently favored)

Currently we favor a double buffer for the internal (non-leaf) nodes and use something similar to row locking.

Our logical tables that we try to decompose using those index structure (which is all a index does) results in using algebra of sets on those information. I noticed that this algebra of sets is linear (O(m+n) for intersection and union) and gives us the chance to lock each entry being part of such operation.

By double buffering the internal nodes (which is not hard to implement nor does it cost much (about <1% memory overhead)) we can live problem free on that issue not blocking too much read operations.

Since we batch modifications in a certain way it is very rarely seen that a given column is updated but once it is, it takes more time since those modifications might go in the thousands for this single entry.

So the goal is to alter the algebra of sets used to simply intersect those columns being currently modified later on. Since only one column is modified at a time such operation would only block once. And for everyone currently reading it, the write operation has to wait. And guess what, once a write operation waits, it usually lets another write operation of another column taking place that is not bussy. We calculate the propability of such a block to be very very low. So we dont need to care.

The locking mechanism is done using check for write, check for write intention, add read, check for write again and procced with the read. So there is no explicit object locking. We access fixed areas of bytes and if the structure is clear everything critical is planed to move into a c++ version to make it somewhat faster (2x we guess and this only takes one person one or two weeks to do especially if you use a Java to C++ translator).

The only effect that is now also important might be the caching issue since it invalidates L1 caches and maybe L2 too. So we plan to collect all modifications on such a table / index to be scheduled to run within 1 or more minutes timeshare but be evenly distributed to not make a system that has performance hickhups.

If you know of anything that helps us please go ahead.


  • As noone replied I would like to summarize what we (I) finally did. The structure is now separated. We have a RTree which leaf are actually Tables. Those tables can be even remote so we have a distribution way that is mostly transparent thanks to RMI and proxies.

    The rest was simply easy. The RTree has the way to advise a table to split and this split is again a table. This split is been done on a single maschine and transfered to another if it has to be remote. Merge is almost similar.

    This remote also is true for threads bound to different CPUs to avoid cache issues.

    About the modification in memory it is as I already suggested. we duplicate internal nodes and turned the table 90° and adapted the algebraic set algorithms to handle locked columns efficiently. The test for a single table is simple and compared to the 1000ends of entries per column not a performance issue after all. Deadlocks are also impossible since one column is used at a time so there is only one lock per thread. We experiment with doing columns in parallel which would increase the response time. We also think about binding columns to a given virtual core so there is no locking again since the column is in isolation and yet again the modification can be serialized.

    This way one can utilize 20 cores and more per CPU and also avoid cache misses.