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Sencha extjs 5.0.1: messagebox rtl on move it moves in the opposite direction

I upgraded from Extjs 5.0 to 5.0.1, Then I noticed that the message box moves to the wrong direction (away from the mouse) if the viewport rtl is set to true.

Any help?


  • Salam Alikum from Israel.

    Messagebox is a painful subject in Extjs5. Msgbox.confirm doesn't auto-fit itself to text, rtl support is poor and the scrollbars are a mess. They'll probably fix all of that for 5.1.1 which comes out this April.

    Meanwhile just go: "draggable: false" and for now don't let your messagebox move.

    Maybe you should report on that bug in Sencha's Extjs 5 "bugs" forum