The situation: I have a list of tuple, in which a tuple is added:
List<Tuple<double, double>> list = new List<Tuple<double, double>>();
list .Add(new Tuple<double, double>(2.2, 6.6));
All seems to be ok. But... In Debugging mode, in the list of local vars I see next:
[0] {(2,2, 6,6)} System.Tuple<double,double>
By the way, the backword action working good:
double t = list[0].Item1;
I got:
t 2.2 double
May be it's not a big problem, but it frustrates me.
Any ideas why so?
Because the debugger shows numbers in your local (user) national format, so it shows them as 2,2 and 6,6 instead of 2.2 and 6.6 .
I know various work places that use English versions of OS and Visual Studio so not to have similar problems :-) This is clearly not necessary, because you can...
...change in the Control Panel (International Settings) the format of decimal numbers.