I have the following code:
<input data-role="datepicker" data-bind="value:referralData.Referral.from_date" />
With the value to bind as such:
from_date: "2014-01-01T00:00:00"
In the object and it doesn't bind anymore. I have tried:
<input data-role="datepicker" data-bind="value:referralData.Referral.from_date, parseFormats:'YYYY-MM-DD\Thh:mm:ss'" />
But it states that: Uncaught Error: The parseFormats binding is not supported by the DatePicker widget. So I believe I have a syntax error that I am missing.
Does anyone know how to tell the datepicker to pick up this date?
The solution by @Lars works, but the date format specifier is wrong (as of Kendo version 2014.3.119). It should be yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss
(lower case for year and day and upper case for hour):
data-parse-formats="yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss" />
And as a completion, if sometimes you need to, you can in fact pass more than one format, according to the documentation, like this:
data-parse-formats="['yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss','yyyy-MM-dd']" />