I coded a simple Cordova program for my colleagues that streams a video (which is in my pc connected to a work place lan) and all my colleagues are connected to WIFI (work place lan) which made it easy to view my pc's content. The program worked good. I used Polyvi Xface Traffic Monitor plugin to get the data usage.
function checkStats(){
xFace.TrafficStats.getWifiTraffic(success, fail);
function success(result) {
data = document.querySelector("#dataUsage");
data.innerHTML = result + "Kb";
function fail(error) {
data = document.querySelector("#dataUsage");
data.innerHTML = error;
This works great if i call checkStats() function (usually from a button's onClick). But how to get the data usage real time with out clicking the button everytime.
I just want to know, Is there anyway to do it?
Any Help would be appreciated.
I found it alas,
I used window.setInterval(checkStats, 5);
in deviceready,
and it works perfect.