I want to conditionally show or hide an element based on the associated User's graduation_year
and the ng-show
and ng-if
directives aren't working as is.
The element should be shown if the graduation_year
is greater than or equal to the current year (i.e. the user is "active"), and hidden if less than the current year.
In the view I've tried
<div data-ng-repeat="user in data.group.users">
<div ng-show="{{ user.graduation_year }} >= {{ date | date:'yyyy' }}">Active</div>
and in the controller
$scope.date = new Date();
but it treats it as false no matter what, even though the output is showing "2017 >= 2015" and "2014 >= 2015" (just a couple examples), so I should be getting different outcomes. When I tried ng-if
, they were both treated as true no matter what.
You're using the variable interpolation incorrectly.
Inside ng-show, you don't need {{ and }}.
Also, you're combining a comparison operation and a filter. This does work, but it may benefit you to keep the code as visually simple as possible.
Try this:
<div data-ng-repeat="user in data.group.users">
<div ng-show="isActive( user )">Active</div>
module.controller( 'UserCtrl', [ '$scope', function( $scope ){
$scope.date = new Date()
$scope.isActive = function( user ){
return user.graduation_year >= $scope.date.getFullYear()