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MY computer can't find my makefile on Cygwin (windows)

I'm trying to run the make utility of cygwin, and it keeps telling me that "***No targets specified and no Makefile found. Stop"

I don't get it. This is my makefile if it helps, it's called Makefile.mak:

TestSet.out: TestSet.o Set.o
    g++ -o TestSet.out TestSet.o Set.o

TestSet.o: TestSet.cpp Set.h SetInterface.h
    g++ -c TestSet.cpp

Set.o: Set.cpp Set.h SetInterface.h
    g++ -c Set.cpp

    rm TestSet.out TestSet.o Set.o 


  • This is my makefile if it helps, it's called Makefile.mak

    Well that's your problem then.

    That isn't one of the names that make looks for by default.

    You either need to rename the file or use make -f Makefile.mak


    You should also make sure you have the man-pages installed for Cygwin, then you can run man make and you will see:

    If no -f option is present, make will look for the makefiles GNUmakefile, makefile, and Makefile, in that order.

    That would also have answered your question, because it says nothing about files named Makefile.mak