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Is there an accurate approximation of the acos() function?

I need an acos() function with double precision within a compute shader. Since there is no built-in function of acos() in GLSL with double precision, I tried to implement my own.

At first, I implemented a Taylor series like the equation from Wiki - Taylor series with precalculated faculty values. But that seems to be inaccurate around 1. The maximum error was something about 0.08 with 40 iterations.

I also implemented this method which works very well on CPU with a maximum error of -2.22045e-16, but I have some troubles to implement this within the shader.

Currently, I am using an acos() approximation function from here where somebody posted his approximation functions on this site. I am using the most accurate function of this site and now I get a maximum error of -7.60454e-08, but also that error is too high.

My code of this function is:

double myACOS(double x)
    double part[4];
    part[0] = 32768.0/2835.0*sqrt(2.0-sqrt(2.0+sqrt(2.0+sqrt(2.0+2.0*x))));
    part[1] = 256.0/135.0*sqrt(2.0-sqrt(2.0+sqrt(2.0+2.0*x)));
    part[2] = 8.0/135.0*sqrt(2.0-sqrt(2.0+2.0*x));
    part[3] = 1.0/2835.0*sqrt(2.0-2.0*x);
    return (part[0]-part[1]+part[2]-part[3]);

Does anybody know another implementation method of acos() which is very accurate and -if possible- easy to implement in a shader?

Some system information:

  • Nvidia GT 555M
  • running OpenGL 4.3 with optirun


  • My current accurate shader implementation of 'acos()' is a mix out of the usual Taylor series and the answer from Bence. With 40 iterations I get an accuracy of 4.44089e-16 to the 'acos()' implementation from math.h. Maybe it is not the best, but it works for me:

    And here it is:

    double myASIN2(double x)
        double sum, tempExp;
        tempExp = x;
        double factor = 1.0;
        double divisor = 1.0;
        sum = x;
        for(int i = 0; i < 40; i++)
            tempExp *= x*x;
            divisor += 2.0;
            factor *= (2.0*double(i) + 1.0)/((double(i)+1.0)*2.0);
            sum += factor*tempExp/divisor;
        return sum;
    double myASIN(double x)
        if(abs(x) <= 0.71)
            return myASIN2(x);
        else if( x > 0)
            return (PI/2.0-myASIN2(sqrt(1.0-(x*x))));
        else //x < 0 or x is NaN
            return (myASIN2(sqrt(1.0-(x*x)))-PI/2.0);
    double myACOS(double x)
        return (PI/2.0 - myASIN(x));

    Any comments, what could be done better? For example using a LUT for the values of factor, but in my shader 'acos()' is just called once so there is no need for it.