I have two war files, they both located on the same server. I want to use some API war1 presents in war2. I have been told to use Apache's HttpClient but I'm not sure how, I would like a push in the right direction.
suppose war1 is api.common-
and I want to call a method getFormatedDate()
in the class DateFormatter
under the packege com.bo.api.common.utilities
If you have a solution using Restlet, it will suffice as well. As for now I'm in the beginning of my project.
You can't call method directly but you need to export something from the war with HTTP and call it from the other one.
I don't know which technology you use for the first war (servlet directly, a framework above like Restlet, Spring MVC, JAX-RS frameworks, ...) but you need to expose your method through an HTTP method on a dedicated URI.
Then code like below can be used to call it from the second war:
ClientResource cr = new ClientResource("http://<same-domain>/war2-rootpath/dateformatter");
Representation repr = cr.put(new StringRepresentation(...));
StringRepresentation sRepr = new StringRepresentation(repr);
String returnedText = sRepr.getText();
My code is a bit generic since your question is a bit vague ;-)
I think that you can a path like /dates
with a method POST
. The latter would accept a payload that contains the data as long (time value) and would return the formatted date as a string. The corresponding server resource would be something like that:
public class DateFormatterServerResource extends ServerResource {
public String formatDate(long time) {
return DateFormatter.getFormatedDate(new Date(time));
This server resource would be attach of the router of your application as described below:
Router router = (...)
router.attach("/dates", DateFormatterServerResource.class);
Hope it helps you anyway. Thierry