I am converting the following json into java object using JSONSerializer.toJava.
"sessionId": "d792-54fd8a87-ses-Administrator-2200-0",
"campaignId": 2,
"callBackTime": "2015-08-08 07:23:00",
"isSelfCallBack": "false",
"userId": "a1",
"callBackHandlerType": "voice.campaign.callback.handler",
"customerId": "112",
"phone": "33334444"
And my root class for json config is described as below
public class ProxyAddCallbackRequestBean extends ProxySessionRequestBean {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private Integer campaignId;
private Date callBackTime;
private boolean isSelfCallBack;
private String userId;
private String callBackHandlerType;
private Map<String, String> callBackProperties;
public Integer getCampaignId() {
return campaignId;
public void setCampaignId(Integer campaignId) {
this.campaignId = campaignId;
public Date getCallBackTime() {
return callBackTime;
public void setCallBackTime(Date callBackTime) {
this.callBackTime = callBackTime;
public boolean isSelfCallBack() {
return isSelfCallBack;
public void setSelfCallBack(boolean isSelfCallBack) {
this.isSelfCallBack = isSelfCallBack;
public String getUserId() {
return userId;
public void setUserId(String userId) {
this.userId = userId;
public String getCallBackHandlerType() {
return callBackHandlerType;
public void setCallBackHandlerType(String callBackHandlerType) {
this.callBackHandlerType = callBackHandlerType;
public Map<String, String> getCallBackProperties() {
return callBackProperties;
public void setCallBackProperties(Map<String, String> callBackProperties) {
this.callBackProperties = callBackProperties;
After converting to java object, callBackTime
value is set to current time while other fields have correct values.
I am new to json can you please help me to find out where i am doing wrong.
Assuming you're using this json-lib, there's nothing from a quick scan of the documentation to suggest that it will auto-convert a String to a Date. Therefore, you're going to need to parse the date. If you're happy pulling in the dependency Joda Time has a good reputation. Otherwise, if the date you've shown is expected, something like:
DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
public void setCallBackTime(String rawTime) {
this.callBackTime = df.parse(rawTime);
should get you started. (Javadoc for SimpleDateFormat)
(Note that the date you've quoted looks like, but isn't ISO 8601).