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Groovy JsonBuilder array of objects

I have a JsonBuilder that I'm having some trouble with. I'd like the output to look like the following:

"unitTests": {
        "testType": "TestNG",
        "totalTests": 20,
        "failedTests": 2,
        "skippedTests": 0,
        "failedTestList": [
                "class": "SomeTestClass"
                "method": "someTestMethod"
                "class": "AnotherTestClass"
                "method": "anotherTestMethod"

Instead what I am seeing is:

"unitTests": {
        "testType": "TestNG",
        "totalTests": 20,
        "failedTests": 2,
        "skippedTests": 0,
        "failedTestList": [
                    "class": "SomeTestClass"
                    "method": "someTestMethod"
                    "class": "AnotherTestClass"
                    "method": "anotherTestMethod"

The code to generate the JSON document is below:

def json = new JsonBuilder()

    def root = json {
        time { $date timestamp }
        data {
            unitTests {
                testType unitType
                totalTests totalUnitTests
                failedTests failedUnitTests
                skippedTests skippedUnitTests
                failedTestList(failedUnitTestClass.collect {[class: it]}, failedUnitTestMethod.collect {[method: it]})


  • There's a need to iterate both lists at the same time. Try:

    [failedUnitTestClass, failedUnitTestMethod].transpose().collect { [class:it[0], method:it[1]] }

    Full example:

    import groovy.json.*
    def json = new JsonBuilder()
    def failedUnitTestClass = ['cls1', 'cls2', ]
    def failedUnitTestMethod = ['m1', 'm2', ]
    json.unitTests {
        failedTestList([failedUnitTestClass, failedUnitTestMethod].transpose().collect {[class:it[0], method:it[1]]})
    println JsonOutput.prettyPrint(json.toString())