I'm trying to upload an image to WordPress using wp.uploadFile(), but it's not encoded to JPG. I sended a Base64 encoded string, as the api ( http://codex.wordpress.org/XML-RPC_WordPress_API/Media#wp.uploadFile ) says, but when I download the image, it's just text with the string that I sended. I'm getting the photo from Phonegaps API, and I get a base64 encoded string, so I don't think the data is malformed.
By the way, I'm using this library for WordPress API: https://github.com/developerworks/wordpress-xmlrpc-javascript-api
EDIT: here's the code I'm currently using. It's ugly, but I'm just testing.
var image = document.getElementById('Photo');
image.src = "data:image/jpeg;base64," + source_image;
var hoy = getDate();
photo = wp.uploadFile(1, {
name: hoy+'.jpg',
type: 'image/jpg',
bits: source_image,
overwrite: false
console.log("Photo uploaded!");
}, function(a){console.log(a);alert('imagen no subida');}, cam_options);
This is fragment of the XML payload of the successful "uploadFile" call:
<base64>...base64-encoded string...</base64>
"wordpress-xmlrpc-javascript-api" can generate it, but you need to pass Base64 object (Base64 class is part of the library mimic.js that is used for this API). Here is how it works:
bits: new Base64( atob(dataURI.split(',')[1]) );
where dataURI
is data URI string: "......"