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How can I create an object of fixed structure?

I have the following code inside my revealing module, but I am uncertain with how to declare/define imageListItem, which is strictly a DTO and doesn't really require any information hiding. Am I correctly defining this object?

var imageListItem = function() {
    var _title;
    Object.defineProperty(this, "title", {
        get: function () { return _title; },
        set: function (value) { _title = value; }

var imageList = (function () {
    var buffer = new CBuffer();
    return {
        populate: function (listItems) {
        rotate: function() {

With imageListItem, I want to declare an object structure for later use. That declaration should not logically be dependent on how that object will later be used. That is, I don't want to find myself dynamically assigning new properties to, or deleting properties from, imageListItem by accident. Any assignment to properties should strictly be only to properties that have already been declared on the object.

Object.freeze() almost accomplihses this, by preventing properties being added or removed, but it also prevents properties being changed.

E.g. I want this:

var obj = {
  prop: function() {},
  foo: 'bar'

// New properties may be added, existing properties may be changed or removed = 'baz';
obj.lumpy = 'woof';

var o = Object.freeze(obj);

// Now any changes will fail
function fail(){
  'use strict';
  obj.delete(foo); // throws a TypeError
  obj.quaxxor = 'the friendly duck'; // throws a TypeError

I dont' want this:

// Now any changes will fail
function fail(){
  'use strict'; = 'sparky'; // throws a TypeError

You see? I want freeze to prevent quaxxor being added to obj, but I don't want it to prevent me changing the value of foo.


  • What you are looking for may be either Object.preventExtensions() or Object.seal().

    Similarly to Object.freeze(), both methods prevent new properties from being added to the object, nevertheless allow changing values of existing properties.

    The difference between seal and preventExtensions is that seal strictly disallows deletion and conversion of properties from/to data accessors, while preventExtensions doesn't actually prevent existing properties from being deleted: this behavior depends on the JS engine you're using (some engines may let you delete the property, other ones may not).

    So basically, quoting from the MDN Documentation:

    The Object.preventExtensions() method prevents new properties from ever being added to an object (i.e. prevents future extensions to the object). [...] Note that the properties of a non-extensible object, in general, may still be deleted.

    The Object.seal() method seals an object, preventing new properties from being added to it and marking all existing properties as non-configurable. Values of present properties can still be changed as long as they are writable. [...] Attempting to delete or add properties to a sealed object, or to convert a data property to accessor or vice versa, will fail.

    Here's an example to demonstrate the behavior of both methods:

    var myFirstObj = { foo: 1 },
        mySecondObj = { bar: "baz" };
    Object.seal(mySecondObj); = false; // Works fine
    mySecondObj.baz = "hello"; // Works fine
    delete; // May work fine depending on your JS engine
    (function() {
        'use strict';
        myFirstObj.qux = 'something'; // Throws a TypeError
        mySecondObj.qux = 'something'; // Throws a TypeError
        delete; // Throws a TypeError

    Now, talking about your ImageListItem Object, you can achieve what you want simply adding a line of code:

    var ImageListItem = function() {
        var _title;
        Object.defineProperty(this, "title", {
            get: function () { return _title; },
            set: function (value) { _title = value; }
        // Choose the one which fits your needs
        // or