I am trying to write a microphone recording on client javascript, transfer it to server then convert it to silk. I have the audio playing back on server using the Speaker module using these settings
var speaker = new Speaker({
channels: 1,
bitDepth: 16,
sampleRate: 44000,
signed: true
but when it gets converted to silk it sounds half speed. I believe its the conversion to silk using a C class that i didn't write that causes the slow down since it sounds fine as a pcm file. The C file has these settings
#define FRAME_LENGTH_MS 20
#define SAMPLE_RATE_KHZ 16
#define SILK_BITRATE 14000
I'm using BinaryJS to write the code to the server as a Int16array.
I would copy the code here but i almost copied it verbatim from this tutorial.
Also would love to know what exactly im getting from audioContext in terms of bitrate, samplerate and how to downsample the samplerate if i have to for the silk codec.
I did (kinda) solve the half speed by modifying the on onaudioprocess where i converted the float32 to Int16 by removing half the samples.
l = buffer.length;
point = Math.floor(l/2);
buf = new Int16Array(Math.floor(l/2));
for (var x = l; x > 0;) {
var average = (buffer[x] + buffer[x-1]) / 2;
buf[point] = Math.min(1, average)*0xFFFF;
point -= 1;
x -= 2;
return buf.buffer;
However, the audio pitch is still half.
I have a few other questions I've answered that would answer the rest of this problem, but for anyone wondering the AudioContext object does return the information on the sampling rate that I ended up using with a downsampling algorithm to dynamically adjust to any browsers sampling rate.
navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.getUserMedia || navigator.webkitGetUserMedia || navigator.mozGetUserMedia || navigator.msGetUserMedia;
var session = {
audio: true
navigator.getUserMedia(session, function(stream){
audioContext = window.AudioContext;
context = new audioContext();
sampleRate = context.sampleRate;
// Pass sample rate to downsample function with my arraybuffer
// error