I have a problem since few days.
On firefox my code works but not on IE. I have a window which open new window with window.open; In this new window, I do what I want and after that I would like to update a specific part on parent window. On parent window, I had :
$(document).on('myEvent', doThis);
And on the second window I had this (I don't want to use other library like jQuery if is possible) :
var event = new CustomEvent("myEvent");
On Firefox the code seems Okay but on IE it doesn't work; I've tried to add a CustomEvent polyfill (because I undestand IE doesn't implement CustomEvent), but I have new problem... IE doesn't like my :
How can I send an event on my "opener" (or parent) window when I finnish to do what I want in new window which was opened by my "opener" (or parent) window ?
Trigger the event from the parent with jQuery
var o = window.opener;