For a project I'm using MOXy in order to (un)marshal XML files, and I have some problem with it that I didn't have with the standard jaxb engine.
But here, I'll focus on a single issue: I want to disable the internal logging of eclipselink. For example, I have logging like:
[Fatal Error] input.xml:4:1: The end-tag for element type "name" must end with a '>' delimiter.
And I just don't want it. I tried many things but no luck. Maybe it's just that I'm not used to this all logging system and persistence thing, but I'd love some help.
I've followed: and
But I'm not sure how this whole persistence.xml thing work. I'm working on a standard Java Project, no web-app or anything, just a standard project. I tried to create in my resource directory :
<persistence xmlns=""
<persistence-unit name="test">
<property name="eclipselink.logging.level" value="OFF" />
But nothing changed. I tried to pass -Declipselink.logging.level=OFF, but no luck either. Do someone know what I'm doing wrong?
The logging you wish to disable is SAX Parser logging. The odds are that at the moment there is no way to disable this logging from within MOXy. I have filed a bug: