I have an array with a list of colors in rgb. What I want to do is to group the colors so that when doing a hash map, I dont have a lot of entries with colors that only appear in one pixel. I have decided to divide the color space into 64 bins of equal size, and assign each color to a bin and then do the count of the hash map for each bin instead of pixel. However, I dont know how to do this is a simple way, my approach is the following:
int r = c.getRed();
int b = c.getBlue();
int g = c.getGreen();
//declare all bins as arrays
if (0 = < r =<63) {
if (0=< g =< 63) {
if (0=< b =< 63) {
bin1= push.c;
if (64 =<b =<126){
bin2= push.c;
if (127 =<b =< 190)
bin3 =push.c;
if (191 =<b =< 255)
bin4 = push.c;
if (64 =<g =<126){
if (0=< b =< 63) {
bin5= push.c;
if (64 =<b =<126){
bin6= push.c;
if (127 =<b =< 190)
bin7 =push.c;
if (191 =<b =< 255)
bin8 = push.c;
if (127 =<g =<190){
if (0=< b =< 63) {
bin9= push.c;
if (64 =<b =<126){
bin10= push.c;
if (127 =<b =< 190)
bin11 =push.c;
if (191 =<b =< 255)
bin12 = push.c;
if (190 =<g =<255){
if (0=< b =< 63) {
bin13= push.c;
if (64 =<b =<126){
bin14= push.c;
if (127 =<b =< 190)
bin15 =push.c;
if (191 =<b =< 255)
bin16 = push.c;
This process is tedious and not really efficient. But I dont know another way of doing it.
For starters, instead if bin variables called bin1, bin2, etc, make bin an array.
Then you only need to decide how to set the index of the array - and that's just a bit of maths. For exact colour, you're splitting the range 0..255 into 4 (0..63, 64..127, etc). You get the same effect by dividing by 64 (discarding remainder).
So, all those 'if' statements could be replaced by :
int idx = 16 * (r/64) + 4 * (g/64) + (b/64);
bin[idx] = push.c;