I'm working on a computer vision project on a video. I want to detect if any two successive frames are identical or not. This is my code.
capture >> currentFrame;
previousFrame = currentFrame;
capture >> currentFrame;
cvtColor( currentFrame, g1, CV_BGR2GRAY );
cvtColor( previousFrame, g2, CV_BGR2GRAY );
int eq = cv::countNonZero(diff);
if(eq ==0)
cout<<"equal \n";
cout<<"not equal \n";
if (currentFrame.empty()){
shouldQuit = true; continue;
previousFrame = currentFrame;
} while (!shouldQuit);
The problem is that the result is always equal for all the video frames. I don't know where is the error. Could you help me ? Thanks in advance.
previousFrame = currentFrame;
both previousFrame and currentFrame refer to the same array of values.
You need to create a new cv::Mat object within your loop so that each captured frame does not overwrite the one before.
So instead of :
do {
capture >> currentFrame;
do {
currentFrame = cv::Mat(width, height);
capture >> currentFrame;